Tsé Kooh Outfitters is honored to be able to offer visitors to the Navajo Nation a truly special backcountry experience. With Native guided, multi-day backpacking adventures down a section of Chinle Wash and Oljeto Canyon to their confluences with the San Juan River. Tsé Kooh Outfitters provides visitors a glimpse into a living Museum that’s to be treated with the highest level of stewardship and respect. For this reason our hiking trips are kept small in size to help insure an intimate group dynamic that’s less intrusive on the fragile environment.
Leave No Trace Ethics are followed and adhered to. Simply put, you pack it in, you pack it out! Our hikes are remote and we ask that visitors be prepared for the challenges backpacking in a desert environment could and most often will present. Our hikes offer guests the privilege of being able to walk among ancient pueblo ruins, and take in the petroglyphs and pictographs left behind. The geology and beauty of the hike is nothing less than breathetaking and leaves ones eyes little time to rest!
All hikes conclude at their confluence with the San Juan River. From that point our river guides will take over. Hikers will hand packs over to eager guides waiting to take you on a one to two day river trip to either Mexican Hat boat ramp or the Clay Hills boat ramp depending on your desired hike.
Prices for our hikes include all fees and food for your adventure. Bring your pack and let our guides share with you a unique backcountry cultural experience. As your trip develops, food will be on everyones mind. Backpack minded meals tailored to your likes will be on the menu until you reach the confluence. At the confluence, our guides will be ready to prepare whatever it is you crave most. Please contact us to plan your ideal backcountry menu.
Land Based Tours
As an advocate for First Nation Peoples, Tsé Kóóh Outfitters no longer offers land based tours.